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Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy

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Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy


Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy focuses attention on attachment. It is widely - but not exclusively used to treat children in foster care and adoption.

a man sitting on a bench with a baby

What is the main goal of DDP?

The main goal of DDP is to assist children who have had a tough start in life to develop and maintain secure attachment relationships with their carers.

How does DDP work?

DDP places the relationship between child and parent in central position. Therapy is provided in this relational context. Learning, change, growth and healing is reciprocal. Parents learn to use DDP as an attachment and trauma informed approach to parenting children who have suffered disrupted development. In turn children learn to trust their carers as a source of strength, support and protection, and they learn self-regulation.

DDP Process

  1. Therapy commences with the therapist getting to know the carer.
  2. The therapist teaches the parent and how to use the DDP approach to parenting.
  3. When the therapist thinks the carer is ready the child is involved in the process.
  4. In the presence of the carer the therapist engages with the child and models PACE.
  5. The therapist helps the child and parent to engage with each other in new ways and develop new meanings in their life together.

If you think DDP might help you and the child you care for, fill in and submit the contact box and let's start a conversation. See my current status in DDP at the bottom of this page.

I am a certified DDP Practitioner and can provide sessions directly or on-line